I have a lot of pics from last trip to Chicago and new sewing projects that I would like to share with you, but I'm running out of time and I still need to finish to pack all my swimsuits and sandals :-P
For now, just enjoy these pics from a wonderful weekend in Falmouth, Cape Cod.
We went to Cape few time before, we have visited Chatam and the famous P Town; we have been to Hyannis, biked for all Nantucket and frozen our noses on Marthas Vineyard.
Well, it was our first time in Falmouth, nice little city, with interesting boutiques and very good and fresh fish.
We ate fresh baby scallops and we had for the first time in our life steamer clams (as you can see in the following pictures). I did a little research on Google, I discovered that these clams have interesting nicknames: longneck clams, softshells clams, piss clams or Ipswich clams, always the same clams thought: Mya arenaria.
Before eat it you need to remove the skin that cover the long neck:
Sorry...my camera was out of focus, my hands were busy :P
I loved the steamers!
We also had really fresh hard clams (Mercenaria mercenaria), and when I said fresh I really mean fresh: SHELLFISHING!
After one hour of hard work (no weet feet for me, I was in charged of taking pictures): the treasure!
The biggest :
And at the end of the day: gnam!
See you soon...