I was thinking to start this project for a while. I followed the pattern from Amy Butler's book "Little stitches for little one"; I did some change avoiding to add the pockets.
Per l'interno ho usato una flanella di RJR Fabrics, per l'esterno invece un pile morbidissimo, adoro le bolle :P
Ora non mi rimane che preparare il quilt.
I used a very nice flannel from RJR Fabrics for the internal side, and a soft fleece from Joann for the external side. I love these little bobbles!
Moving on to the next project: the crib's quilt!
3 commenti:
E' bellissimo!
Colgo l'occasione anche per farti tanti auguri di buone feste.
un bacione
Grazie Ale!
Auguro un felice Natale anche a te.
Un abbraccio forte.
It is so cute! And, I love the ties, very sweet. Can't wait to see what you do for the bedding.
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